Platform Access


Lead UX Research & UX Designer


• Conduct UX Audit

• Synthesize the interview data

• Create User Flow

• Formulate findings and recommendations

• Ideate, wireframe, and prototype


Pain Points and Recommendation Deck

Project Duration

Sep. 2022 – Dec 2022

Platform Access is an experience of first-time user onboarding, the process of registration, login, password reset, and administrator managing access. It is now difficult for administrators to authorize clients’ access because of data gaps and manual approval processes. It has an impact on the business and revenue. The project aims to identify user pain points, provide recommendations, and create a design to lower registration barriers.

Research Process


Research Summary

I conducted the UX platform access audit and synthesized interview data to reveal what is causing users headaches and what is decelerating the user’s onboard process.

Research indicates that external users require clarification on the registration and password reset process, and the registration information affects the administrator’s approval.

However, I thought there would be clear rules for roles and access to the platform, but no one on the team knew what they were, and the research didn’t come up with any rules about roles. So next step might be to understand what kind of users and access users need to do their day-to-day work.

Pain Points
Pain Points
Pain Points

Research Tools
UX Audit & Interview Synthesis

I conducted the UX Audit from both the client’s and administrator’s viewpoints, synthesizing the interviews to understand the users’ objectives, goals, motivations, present experience, and why things were built the way they were and the constraints.

Example of the UX Audit and Synthesis.png
Example of the UX Audit and Synthesis
User Flows

In addition to UX Audit, I created user journey maps to understand the architecture behind the current platform and highlight where it is not smooth and lacking. I divided the step into four horizontal steps: Register, Verify & Assign, Working, and Leave. And I felt there was a lack of a Welcome phase, so I added this step to see any improvement opportunities. In vertical, there are different user roles combination; client and admins, employee and admin. It integrates two sets of user roles vertically: clients and administrators and employees and administrators.

Example of Detail User Flow
Example of Detail User Flow

Based on my research, I identified personas, user flows, and key pain points and provided recommendations.

1. Who are users? – identity who are the main users based on my research
1. Identify the main screens

Through the UX audit, I figured out the screen that related to the Platform Access and prioritized them into high, medium, and low priority. I started from the screens on the high priority and identified four main screens: login, registration portal, and registration pages for both internal and external users.

Main screens of the current platform
Main screens of the current platform
2. Paper wireframes

To ensure the user experience of the register is well defined and the switch between login and register is smooth. I initially created different wireframes to rearrange and regroup the fields for the register page and multiple layouts for the entry of login and register.

Paper Wireframes
Paper Wireframes
3. Digital wireframes

I drafted each screen for a wireframe for many iterations, ensuring that the design solves the user’s pain points. The wireframes highlighted in green will be designed in the low-fidelity prototype.

Digital Ideation
Digital Ideation

I chose the best user experience concepts and layouts that addressed user pain points and applied the design system to the UI and components.

Digital Wireframes
Digital Wireframes
1 . Welcome onboard
Pain point

New users are unsure what information they should fill out on the registration form and must look it up, yet they may enter incorrect information, causing approval delays.


Prior to users registering on the platform, they will receive welcome emails with the company and user’s information. This information will be brought to the registration form when clicking the Accept Invitation button. It will avoid confusion and unnecessary mistakes for new users to speed up the approval process.

Wireframe-welcome sign up entry and form
welcome, sign up entry and register form
2 . We are here with you
Pain point

Currently, some users pick the wrong item because they misunderstand the definitions and put the wrong information in the open fields.

current login entry reset password and register
current login entry, reset password, and register

Provide an explanation and context for each field and option to the user. The options for the user have been defined; the user can pick an option from the dropdown menu. When administrators get the request, the information is correct, and there is no guessing.

wireframe sign up form
wireframe sign up form
3. We are happy to help
Pain point

On the login page, users find it hard to find the place to register and reset passwords easily because they are hidden.

Digital Ideation
Digital Ideation

Provides users with appropriate help when user wants to sign up, log in or reset passwords.

Digital Wireframes
Digital Wireframes

This research simplified complicated processes, summarized user pain areas, and helped the team examine the current process and envision how we might make the improvement feel more feasible.

Next Step

This research simplified complicated processes, summarized user pain areas, and helped the team examine the current process and envision how we might make the improvement feel more feasible.

Looking at the cupcake size improvement.e.g., do the copying exercise to remove ambiguity during registration.