Consolidate Research


Lead UX Research


• Create the User Journey map

• Conduct the synthesis & analysis work

• Find and create presentation deck materials


Research Summary Deck

Project Duration

July 2022- Sep. 2022

The team has conducted significant qualitative user research from multiple sources over the past two years. However, there was no well-structured team to advocate and analyze the research finding. And without analysis, the cross-functional team is unsure or overwhelmed about the information and where to start for improvement.

This research aims to summarize the consolidated overview of the various research findings; each designer can provide the detail of user needs, and the cross-functional team can leverage the discovery to break down the work for better prioritization; these insights and recommendations can serve as a guide for enhancing the platform for both clients and employees.

Research Process

The other two designers and I divided the work by research methodologies at the start of the research. I was researching and synthesizing to create a User Journey Map, and the other two were working on Pain Points and Personas.

I highlighted the text on the transcript, took notes, and structured it into a user journey map, which included the essential steps, pain points, opportunities, and tools while watching the recording.

Research indicates that external users require clarification on the registration and password reset process, and the registration information affects the administrator’s approval.

Synthesize data into the User Journey Map
Synthesize data into the User Journey Map

Based on our synthesis results, we decided to align the format, so I transformed the journey map into a presentation format, incorporating who the users are, what their expectations are, where the touchpoint in the platform is, and what they are doing, thinking, and feeling.

Convert User Journey Map into a presentation format
Convert User Journey Map into a presentation format
Find Patterns & Simplify Themes

We received feedback from design team members after our first round of synthesis and learned that we could simplify the pain points from the user journey map. As a result, we categorized the seven phases into four major themes:

Critical pain points
Critical Pain Point
Identify Findings

With the team, we identified the most critical pain points in each theme and added pain points, user quotes, and platform screenshots to the four major themes.

Team rankings
Team Ranking
Prepare Presentation & Organize Insights

Created and added detailed screenshots, annotations, and quotes to the deck to organize insights into a digestible format. Each theme has important pain points, impacts, proof of specific problems, and recommendations. The expert audience may also verify the problems with their product lines and the research sources.


This project is our first time working together. This research result has given me a comprehensive understanding of the platform’s and its users’ pain points. In the meanwhile, teamwork fostered partnership and reputation. The team will have a more substantial impact and a better approach the next time and will be able to use everyone’s skills.

Next step

Continue to playback with stakeholders and advocate for users.

Have workshops with the team to build the vision and prioritize the work.